Saturday, January 20, 2007

So many things to do, so little time to do them in. Why did God give me so many things and only 24 hours to do them? Actually it's not really a lot, it's just that I like to procrastinate. Terrible habit. We had a good talk on time management today. How timely. It was a pretty good talk. I think one of the better ones I've heard since my secondary school days.
We hit the streets again today, but with the main goal of evangelising. I was very nervous at the start, I was practicing with Amos in EH over and over, the Bridge to Life. But each time I did it, the more I felt like I was forcing it upon him. So I asked Eric for an alternative, and he showed us one example, by sharing with a pair teenage boys. I can't exactly remember their response...but I learnt a lot from that one sit-in. His version of the gospel was very very subtle, I'm not even sure if the two boys understood what he was doing. But he ran through all the five C's. Creation, Curse, Condemnation, Cross, Call. I'd explain it here, but I'm really too tired to. Anyway, it tried to run the process through my head, and it was quite confusing. So I decided I'd have to try it out myself. So I approached 2 boys, and both turned out to be Christians. What are the chances!! So we were about to leave, and I saw this upper sec boy walking by, so I just approached him, and then I had the opportunity to share the gospel!!! I was so scared that I would do it wrongly or miss something out that would turn him off, but I really got him interested, and now he wants to know more!! I agree with Eric, that when we evangelise, it is a lot to ask a non-christian to just say the sinner's prayer like that, and so we both agreed that a more gentle approach, but more in-depth approach would be better. So we'd explain the whole gospel, about creation, sin, salvation, and finally we'd ask if they'd be interested, and if so, we would share more with them, before they make a decision. That isn't diluting the gospel is it?

Simply Plain white

11:34 PM

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Today was the first day at Chai Chee Sec. It was very tiring. I had to take a group of normal tech boys. Maybe its because they had a short attention span or maybe its because they are just boys, but they had so much trouble paying attention...well more like i had so much trouble trying to get them to pay attention. It was was drying. I had one boy who was a loansharK!! at 13 yrs old. He gambles in the arcade with other people (not just boys) on car racing, and each bet is $50. its crazy la. I wanted to tell him it is wrong, i wanted to tell him the gospel, come from a christian approach of it, but i had to retrain myself because it was not an "evangelistic event". it was so hard trying not to say jesus or heaven or god. and yet have to preach the gospel. evangelising is not easy feat. next week is supposed to be contact work and street evangelising. no idea how that is gonna be like.

Simply Plain white

4:16 AM

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

tmr im going to be going to chai chee sec to take a group of boys for orientation!!! then the week after that i'll be doing street evangelism, and at the same time going down to the ite to evangelise yet again. i guess its gonna be a very very draining week physically, mentally and spiritually. they gave us a crash course on evangelism this week, so its been very very dry. its like gospel sharing 101. they should write a book, gospel sharing for dummies. and the tools they give us are quite good. like its yfc copyrighted kinda thing. and their games are even better!! very creative, and somehow very fun. well i hope my evangelism goes well tmr. we're supposed to be like spies, cos we cannot get caught preaching by the teachers!! reminds me of those guerilla warfare forces during world war 2.

Simply Plain white

5:12 AM

Friday, January 05, 2007

CAmp is over!! And it was fantastic!! we had to cook our own food, and the bunks sort of reminded me of army again. the lifestyle was also abit like army. we had to wake up at 6plus, and sleep pretty late. it was also very physically demanding. anyway here were the highlights of the camp:

  1. Cook our own food
  2. Rafting for one hour in the open sea
  3. Crawling through the mud
  4. Walking over 10km in one day
  5. Going to TreeTop Walk at Macrichie
  6. The Most Successful BBQ ever

Next week i start my job as a project servant!!! i think it'll be a wonderful experience to get myself a little insight into the working world. im so glad i chose this and not some other day job at a cafe serving drinks.

Simply Plain white

11:03 PM

Monday, January 01, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! The new year has come, and it's time for some new resolutions. so here they are:
  1. Learn how to cook
  2. Learn how to use the computer
  3. Learn how to play the guitar
  4. Start reading more books

I think 4 is enough. Anymore, and there'll be no room left for spontaneity. So that's it. A year from now, let's see how many of this I have achieved.

Simply Plain white

9:33 PM

Simply Me


Plain Wishes


The Plain Chat


Simply Friends.




Monthly Memories

December 2006
January 2007
October 2007